The Evolution of Modern Science
Thomas L. Isenhour
The Evolution of Modern Science outlines the story of
science from Aristotle to the present. The first third progresses from the
ancient Greeks to the developments of the Renaissance that prepared the way for
the Scientific Revolution. The second covers the Scientific Revolution and
Enlightenment and the final third is devoted to the 19th, 20th, and 21st
My goals are to show the evolution of modern science in
historical and political context and to demystify science. We stand at the
threshold of momentous advancements ranging from human cloning to fusion power.
An understanding of science is essential to being a modern citizen.
When I was a child, I would lie in the grass on a summer’s
evening and stare into the starry sky. All sorts of imaginations led me to
wonder about the universe, about life beyond Earth, about the beginning and the
end, about where we are, what we are and most of all why we are. Why may have
been the most important word in my vocabulary because it allowed me to bombard
adults with questions about everything. Because of a patient father, I got a
reasonable number of answers. Most of all, I learned that it was alright to
question, to wonder and to seek explanations.
Science (from the Latin scire, to know), seeks answers,
explanations of the natural world. From the first cave person that wondered why
the mountains rumbled during a storm, we have evolved a set of consistent
explanations for natural phenomena. In effect, the cave dwellers were crudely
practicing science when they hypothesized that the noises were made by
monsters, or gods, in the mountains. The cave dwellers were practicing a crude
political science when they decided to give offerings to these gods to make
them benevolent. The cave dwellers were practicing religion when they decided
to worship (and fear) the gods in the mountains. Perhaps religion and science
began simultaneously. Unfortunately, there developed a mythology around these
suppositions and, when humans became able to measure phenomena more accurately,
they found the conclusions of science at odds with religion, or at least with
mythology. Much of the rocky road of scientific progress has been impeded by
these potholes of mythology.
The Evolution of Modern Science outlines the history of
science from Aristotle to the present. (I have been asked why I chose the word
Evolution for the title and not Development or something else. I will answer
that at the end, but we need to cover some important ideas first.) Scientific
progress has always been coupled with human progress and subject to the
politics and culture of the time. Scientists, in most instances, have been in
the main stream of society; however, through their curiosity and innovation
they have often clashed with the prevailing culture.
Aristotle, who some say was the first scientist, was a
student of Plato and integrated philosophy, science and religion. Aristotle
tried to explain everything in the universe. Aristotle’s cosmology was
incorporated into Christianity by St. Thomas Aquinas and when Galileo disproved
much of Aristotle’s mechanics and cosmology, he found himself on trial for heresy.
Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo died and, at the age
of 22, launched the Scientific Revolution with the invention of calculus.
However it took a hundred years of advocacy by such notables as Voltaire,
Thomas Jefferson, and Madame du Chatelet, to establish Newton’s physics.
Wöhler disproved the vitalist theory of life by synthesizing
an organic compound in 1828 and his laboratory research was seminal to the
development of the great chemical industry. Darwinism, even though it is 150
years old, is still the favorite target of fundamentalists. A recent court
battle in Dover, Pennsylvania, in 2005, ruled that Intelligent Design was
religion, not science.1 (Karl Marx admired Charles Darwin, believing the theory
of evolution was a scientific basis for his economic theory. The admiration was
not returned.)
The definitive experiment that gave birth to special and
general relativity was done by Michelson and Morley in 1888, but seventeen
years passed before Einstein found the correct interpretation – that time is a
function of your frame of reference. In 1905 Einstein published papers that led
to the development of quantum mechanics and relativity, including the famous
equation that led to the discovery of nuclear energy and, inevitably, to the
building of nuclear weapons.
After a brief introduction to pre-Greek science, The
Evolution of Modern Science will begin with the ancient Greeks and Aristotle.
This section will reach a pentacle with Archimedes who solved the mathematics
of levers and said: “Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the Earth.”2
The first third of the book will progress from the science of the ancient
Greeks through the developments of the Renaissance that prepared the way for
the Scientific Revolution. The second third will cover the Scientific Revolution
and the Enlightenment concentrating on the 17th and 18th centuries. The final
third of the book will be devoted to the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.
We will move in parallel through the basic disciplines of
physics (including astronomy and cosmology), geology, chemistry and biology.
Mathematics, as it has influenced the development of science, will be included
and presented in a manner that will provide an understanding of its importance.
We will briefly introduce arithmetic, Euclidean geometry, formal logic,
algebra, analytical geometry, calculus, statistics, and Boolean algebra and set
theory. (No special background in either science or mathematics is required,
but you must gain an understanding of the essential role of mathematics to
understand science.) We will focus on how science developed in the context of
major historical movements.
The Scientific Revolution played a major role in the
development of the social sciences. I believe one cannot understand Marx, Locke
or Adams without first understanding Galileo, Newton and Darwin. Carl Sagan
parallels science and democracy by stating that both are based on the
principles of open debate, have mechanisms for correcting errors, and must not
depend upon authorities that must be believed and obeyed.3
I have two goals for this work. The first is to show the
evolution of modern science in historical context. The second is to demystify
science by demonstrating that science is understandable; I believe an
understanding of science is essential for a person to be educated.
We stand upon the threshold of momentous possibilities
ranging from the cloning of human beings to the development of unlimited energy
through fusion power. Science does not develop in a vacuum, but rather as part
of the overall progress of human society. One needs to be prepared to deal with
the dramatic changes that science is bringing to one’s life. By knowing the
tenets, methods, and history of science, you will be better able to deal with
scientific advances on a day-to-day basis.
In some ways the scientist is like the main character in a
Greek tragedy. I believe this is what Steven Weinberg, an American Nobel
Laureate in physics, is saying in the conclusion to his remarkable book, The
First Three Minutes. “But if there is no solace in the fruits of our research,
there is some consolation in the research itself. Men and women are not content
to comfort themselves with tales of gods and giants, or to confine their
thoughts to the daily affairs of life; they also build telescopes and satellites
and accelerators, and sit at their desks for endless hours working out the
meaning of the data they gather. The effort to understand the universe is one
of the very few things that lifts human life a little bit above the level of
farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.”4
The Evolution of Modern Science tells a strange story, a
history that is intertwined with politics and religion; one that turns on
personalities and the ever curious drive to understand, to make sense of the
world. And, as the world was expanded by instruments like the telescope and
microscope, to make sense of the universe and life, to ask ultimate questions
and seek their answers.
Science is respected and worshiped in our modern world. The
man on the street uses the word science to mean anything that has reached a
state of sophistication, predictability, and understanding. To say something is
a science, whether it is surgery or political forecasting, is to give it the
highest level of credibility. Science has given us remarkable rewards from the
preservation of foods by refrigeration to the preservation of health by
inoculation. The benefits of science, and its partner engineering, are so
ubiquitous in this world of technology, that most cannot differentiate the
three. (An interesting exercise is to ask someone to differentiate science,
engineering and technology.)
Science was not always so highly regarded. Science emerged
from the darkness of mysticism, alchemy, astrology, and sorcery. In fact,
metaphysics was the original attempt to give rational explanations for natural
phenomena and a necessary step in the development of an objective science.
There has always been and still is a fundamentalist movement
to return to the days when answers were given by holy men rather than wise men.
It was certainly the case before the first great era of science, that of the
ancient Greeks, and for another period of a thousand years, called the dark
We will start our discussion with the world as it was before
the ancient Greeks. We will then spend some time on the Greeks and, after a
brief discussion of science in the Golden Age of Islam, skip to the Renaissance
and the stories of Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, and Newton. From the
wonderful 17th century we will move forward making continuous progress in
science up to the present day. We will discover atomic theory, electricity and
magnetism, heat and energy, and radioactivity, all of which will give us the
ability to build devices for the greatest and worst of uses.
As a preview, here is my selection of the five most
important scientists of all time: Galileo, Newton, Lavoisier, Darwin, and
Einstein. (How could I have left out Faraday?) By the end of the book, I hope
the reader will have their own list and, if it differs from mine, will feel
free to write and tell me.
Do demons cause volcanoes, whirlpools, diseases? Does the
sun go around the Earth? Would a cloned human being be identical to its twin?
These, and other questions, are issues of science and through science we can
find rational answers.
What is science? Science is the philosophy that the natural
world can be known through human reason and that nature is rational, ordered
and regular. When things seem irrational, the scientific answer is that we
don’t have enough data to solve the problem. Scientific studies lead to
hypothesis, theory and law. Scientific (natural) law is transcendent of time
and culture; independent of ethical or value systems; and cumulative and
We feel that we understand a phenomenon when we can formulate
it mathematically. In many ways, science is the mathematical description of
nature. Welcome to The Evolution of Modern Science. There is no more exciting
Thomas L. Isenhour
Norfolk, Virginia USA
To the Student
- Before
the Greeks (Pre-history–600 BCE)
- Ancient
Greek Science (600 BCE–300 CE)
- Greek
- Greek
Philosophy and Science
- A
Period of Stagnancy – The Dark Ages (300–1400)
- The
Dark Ages
- The
Scholastic Synthesis
- Classical
Physics and Astronomy (1400–1600)
- A
New Cosmology
- The
Language of Nature
- Experimental
Science and Knowledge: The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment
- The
Scientific Revolution
- A
Mechanistic World
- The
Scientific Method
- Space
and Time
- Newtonianism
and The Scientific Revolution
- The
Enlightenment and the Idea of Progress
- Preface
to the Industrial Age
- Classical
Chemistry (1700–1900)
- The
Foundations of Modern Chemistry
- Chemistry
Becomes a Science
- Organic
(living) Chemistry
- Classical
Electricity, Magnetism and Light (1700–1900)
- Electrical
- Volta’s
Cell Applied to Chemistry
- Electricity,
Magnetism and Light
- Electrical
- Thermodynamics
- The
Rise of Steam Technology
- Heat
and Energy – the First Law of Thermodynamics
- Entropy
– The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Entropy
and Civilization
- Natural
History – Taxonomy and Geology (1700–1800)
- Foundations
of Natural History
- Natural
History and Classical Geology
- Classical
Biology (1800–1900)
- Evolution
- Darwinism
- Darwinism
in America
- Origin
of the Social Sciences (1750–1900)
- Economics
- Sociology
- Political
- Psychology
- Social
Science and Statistics
- Social
- Atomic
and Nuclear Era (1900–1950)
- Pre-1900
American Science
- Theories
of the Aether
- X-Rays
and Radioactivity
- Atomic
- Nuclear
Fusion and Fission
- Special
- Quantum
- ) Science
and the U.S. Government (1900–
- The
Atomic Bomb
- Sputnik
and the Space Rac
- ) A
New Understanding of Life (1700–
- The
- Genetics
(deoxyribonucleic acid)
- ) Modern
Cosmology – the Origin of the Universe (1900–
- Galaxies
and Cepheids
- General
Relativity and Black Holes
- The
Redshift and the Big Bang
- ) The
Chemical Bond (1900–
- ) The
Computer Revolution (1900–
- Counting,
Numbers, and Calculation
- Mathematics
and Digital Computers
- Boolean
- Systems
of Mathematics
- Computing
- ) The
Conservation Movement and Ecology (1900–
- National
- Preservationists
vs. Wise-Use Advocates
- Food
Chains and Ecology
- ) Modern
Geology (1900–
- The
Age of the Earth
- Continental
Drift and Plate Tectonics
- Afterword
- Appendices
- Appendix
1 – Arithmetic and Geometry
- Appendix
2 – Formal Logic
- Appendix
3 – Algebra
- Appendix
4 – Analytical Geometry
- Appendix
5 – Calculus
- Appendix
6 – Statistics
- Appendix
7 – Boolean Algebra and Set Theory
- Appendix
8 – The Ancients Revisited – Titus Lucretius Carus
- Bibliography
- Endnotes